Article 1 - Object The Associazione Mendelssohn, with the support of Italgas, in collaboration with Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, hereby announces the Third Edition of the «Michele Novaro» International Composition Competition. Michele Novaro (1818-1885) was the composer who, at the age of 29, wrote the music for the Italian National Anthem on the lyrics by Mameli. The competition aims to stimulate composers to create music able to reflect on Italian identity and culture. Article 2 - Admission requirements The Competition is open to composers of all nationalities, who on 20 October 2018 are still under the age of 40. Candidates must submit to the jury a composition for ensemble, lasting between 7 and 10 minutes, which is freely inspired by a specific "Italian masterwork", in the field of painting, sculpture or architecture. The title of the masterwork to which the composition is inspired must be declared in the score. The ensemble will have to be from 5 to 10 instruments (one performer per instrument, except for the violin, for which 2 performers are available), chosen from the following: flute (or piccolo), oboe, clarinet (in B flat or in A), bassoon, percussion (chosen from the following: vibraphone, marimba, tamtam, bongo, gran cassa, cymbals), piano, violin, viola, cello. The composition must be unpublished and unexecuted until the conclusion of the competition. The winners and finalists of the previous editions of the Novaro Competition are not admitted to the competition. Candidates who have had didactic relationships, even occasional or in master classes, with one or more members of the jury, are not admitted to the competition. Article 3 - Submission date The deadline for the submission of manuscripts is 20 October 2018. Each participant may only present one composition. Article 4 – Registration and submission of scores Registration should be made through the site www.concorsonovaro.it All candidates must register on the site and fill in the online application form, following the instructions provided. The following documents must be uploaded: - scan of identity card or document giving proof of age and nationality; - two recent photos; - receipt of the payment of the registration fee of 100 Euros, via Paypal or bank transfer (Iban: IT47M 03069 09473 100000000316, BIC/Swift: BCITITMM) - completed and signed form (downloadable from the site), containing the following information: home address and phone numbers for any necessary communications, and an email address, curriculum vitae in Italian and English, self-certification testifying to the originality of the composition, which must not have been published, performed or recorded, the candidate's declaration that he/she has not studied under any of the members of the jury, and authorization for the performance, publication, recording and broadcasting of the work. Scores should be submitted through the site anonymously in PDF format (the composer's name should not appear in any part of the PDF file), following the instructions and the upload link given in the email received during the registration process. The personal details of the composers of the three compositions selected for the final will be made known to the jury and public only when the results of the elimination phase of the competition have been announced. Composers who do not reach the final phase will remain anonymous also after the end of the competition. Article 5 – Phases of the competition The competition will consist of three phases: the elimination phase, the semifinal and the final. After the elimination phase, a maximum of 25 scores will be selected by the preliminary jury for the following phases, by October 31, 2018. In the semifinal phase, which will conclude by 10 November 2018, the jury will select up 3 compositions which will pass into the final phase. The title of the works chosen for the final will be published on the site of the Competition on 10 November 2018 and the three finalist composers will be informed by email. The final phase of the competition will consist of a public concert which will take place on December 9th 2018, in which the Ensemble '900 dell'Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia - Corsi di perfezionamento, conducted by Sara Caneva, will perform the finalist compositions, live on RAI Radio3. At the end of the performances, the jury, present in the hall, will meet and decide the winner. Article 6 - Jury and voting methods The preliminary jury for the preliminary round will be composed by Francesco Antonioni, Sara Caneva and Chiara Renino (representing Casa Musicale Sonzogno). In the semi-final and final phases, the jury will consist of five members: Ennio Morricone (President), Claudio Ambrosini, Francesco Antonioni, Michele dall'Ongaro, Günter Neuhold. The jury will examine the submitted compositions independently and will indicate their choice of three scores electronically, giving them marks from 1 to 5. The three scores that obtain the highest total of marks will pass into the final phase. If there is a tie for third place, further votes will be cast (choosing between “yes” and “no”) exclusively for those compositions. In the final phase, after the live performance of the three pieces, each member of the jury will fill in a paper form stating their order of preference of the three works, giving number 1 to the piece to be assigned first place, number 2 to second place, and 3 to third. At the end of the voting, the marks assigned by each member will be read and the total for each composition will be calculated. The composition with the lowest total will be awarded the Novaro prize. In the case of a tie, preference will be given to the work that obtained most number ones. Should there be a further tie, priority will be given to the vote of the president of the jury. After the competition, and by the end of December 2018, the marks given by the jury will be published on the site of the competition, together with the title of the works submitted (without giving the name of the composers whose scores did not reach the final stage). Article 7 – Prizes and expenses refund The winner of the competition will be awarded the “Novaro” Prize, which includes: - Publication of the work by the publishing house Sonzogno. - A money prize of 5.000 Euros (gross of withholding taxes). In addition, the "Goffredo Mameli" special prize (2000 Euros gross) will be awarded by a second jury, composed of Lorenzo Becattini (conceiver and founder of the Novaro Competition), Piero Ostali (CEO of Casa Musicale Sonzogno) and a representative of RAI - Radio3. The two finalists other than the winner of the Novaro Prize will receive a refund of expenses amounting to 500 Euros for attending the final event. The Novaro prize cannot be split and the possibility of no prize being awarded is not foreseen. The decision of the jury is irrevocable. Article 8 - Legal terms Application to participate in the Competition implies the acceptance of the above-stated rules. In the case of contestations, the Italian version of the announcement is legally binding. All disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the court of Milan.